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Corrections to L1Calo content in Trigger EDM [ATR-29280]

As a first pass on ATR-29280, I put the L1Calo RoIs that could be useful for trigger matching (so leaving out XE, energy sums and similar) into AODSLIM.

In the process I noticed some other odd details, notably:

  • Legacy L1Calo RoIs were marked to be stored in AODBLSSLIM -- this is meant to be for BLS so should only need muon information and ought to be be rationalised (ATR-29319)
  • Various L1Calo 'Perf' containers were marked to be stored in both AODSLIM and AODBLSSLIM, but many correspond to algorithms that are not running. Possibly emulation containers?

I have removed those in the two categories above, but please let me know if I made any errors/omissions.

FYI @cantel, @mwessels, @thompson

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