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EFTRACK-142, added config flags to use the new track following and road...

EFTRACK-142, added config flags to use the new track following and road predictor tools, ITk tracklets can be used as seeds. This is the first set of updates to prepare for the Event Filter Tracking Demonstrator tests. The new configuration is disabled by default, so that no changes in tests output are expected. For the record, the new functionality can be activated as follows:

--preExec "ConfigFlags.Tracking.useITkFTF=True; ConfigFlags.Tracking.doITkFastTracking=True; ConfigFlags.Trigger.InDetTracking.UseTrigTrackFollowing=True; ConfigFlags.Trigger.InDetTracking.UseTrigRoadPredictor=True; ConfigFlags.Trigger.InDetTracking.UseTracklets=True"

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