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CPAlgorithms: allow to configure muon minimum pT

Baptiste Ravina requested to merge ravinab/athena:ravinab-main-patch-70f8 into main

Make the minimum muon p_\mathrm{T} cut a configurable option in the calibration block. Also correct the info-string for a related option.

For Run 3 muons, we don't have support for Forward muons (|\eta|>2.5) yet. Users get a lot of warning messages like

CollectionContainer       WARNING Could not find any SF period in Forward matching the run number 438446

(which btw do not mention that they come from the muon efficiency tool...) because the default maximum |\eta| value in the calibration block is set to 2.7. Should we change it to 2.5 to avoid log cluttering? (it's O(10k) printouts when running over a large ttbar file)

Users were further confused that their maximum |\eta| cut as passed to the PtEtaSelectionAlg was not taken into account at this stage (it's simply because the PtEtaSelectionAlg runs after the SF algorithms). For all object collections, we already have a p_\mathrm{T} and/or \eta cut in the calibration config block. Should we encourage users to set these options, rather than call an instance of PtEtaSelectionAlg later on?

Tagging @krumnack and @tstreble for discussion

Merge request reports
