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Draft: Acts track finding seed order

Tim Adye requested to merge adye/athena:adye-ckf56 into main
  • specify flags.Acts.trackFindingSSS2PPP=True to use SSS, then PPP. Default remains False for PPP then SSS.
    • TrackStatePrinter: fix offsets for seed measurements
    • reverseSearch property (vector of bool) specifies whether to run the track finding in seed parameter direction (false or not specified) or reverse direction (true), specified separately for each seed collection.
      • when flags.Acts.trackFindingSSS2PPP=True, this is True for the strip seeds.
  • include TrackFindingAlg.h in TrackFindingData.h so it can be compiled independently (eg. for IDEs)
  • remove unused flags.Acts.trackFindingMaxHoles
Edited by Tim Adye

Merge request reports