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cleaning egamma ART

Several monitored histograms are useless (photon tests). Some names are misleading (e.g. TightLH for photon ID, vs_et whereas it is vs E for cluster). Refined eta binning (a bit more bins, bin size = 0.1 instead of 0.15)

Reconstructed photons that are true late conversion (R in [800, 1200] mm) are now monitored (in "true unconv" categories, no dedicated categories have been added)

Fwd electron test is still evolving. Added histos with cut |eta| < 4 so that efficiencies vs phi or pT are not too misleading when the input sample as true electrons with |eta| > 4. Also, dedidcated ID tools have been added for fwd electrons (still using rel21.2 tunes, waiting for improved ID w.r.t. to the Run 2 ones, using only calorimeter, and tuned to ITk+HGTD upgrades)

The references and gamma(_pileup).xml files will be updated once all these updates have run in a nightly (the test results will be very bad in this nightly)

tagging @christos @drousso

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