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Reduction of verbosity for more InDet tools

Thomas Strebler requested to merge tstreble/athena:InDet_INFO_3 into 24.0

Includes the infamous InDetTrackSelectionTool and its verbose output

01:16:47 IDAlignMonResiduals...IDAlignMonTrackSelectionTool                INFO Finalizing track selection tool.
01:16:47 IDAlignMonResiduals...IDAlignMonTrackSelectionTool                INFO 9327 / 611299 = 1.52577% passed all cuts.
01:16:47 IDAlignMonResiduals...IDAlignMonTrackSelectionTool                INFO 611299 = 100% passed D0 cut.
01:16:47 IDAlignMonResiduals...IDAlignMonTrackSelectionTool                INFO 603815 = 98.7757% passed Eta cut.
01:16:47 IDAlignMonResiduals...IDAlignMonTrackSelectionTool                INFO 611299 = 100% passed InnermostLayersHits cut.
01:16:47 IDAlignMonResiduals...IDAlignMonTrackSelectionTool                INFO 611299 = 100% passed PixelHits cut.
01:16:47 IDAlignMonResiduals...IDAlignMonTrackSelectionTool                INFO 10334 = 1.6905% passed Pt cut.
01:16:47 IDAlignMonResiduals...IDAlignMonTrackSelectionTool                INFO 565114 = 92.4448% passed SiHits cut.
01:16:47 IDAlignMonResiduals...IDAlignMonTrackSelectionTool                INFO 610612 = 99.8876% passed Z0SinTheta cut.

For this one, the INFO messages are kept for analysis releases in case.

Also covers various other InDet tools.

FYI @goetz @christos

Merge request reports
