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Draft: Implementation of Hit-Level information for GNNs (ignore if you are not Dan)

Mathias Josef Backes requested to merge backes/athena:hits-implementation into main

This is an updated version of draft merge request !70630.

The general idea is to make hit-level information in athena. The individual steps of the project are:

  1. Implement algorithm (HitDecoratorAlg) which calculates the hit position relativ to the beamspot and decorates it to the TrackMeasurementValidationContainer
  2. Implement algorithm (JetHitAssociationAlg) to associate hits to a particular jet, maybe implement a hit-preselection as well (with one small challenge to complete)
  3. Feed hits to the networks (HitsLoader) to obtain HitZ prediction
  4. Combine to MLPL estimator, following implementation of Mo and Ines (not yet done)

Merge request reports