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Adding dev menu test chains intended for DIPZ studies - Removing obsolete dev menu DIPZ HH4b test chains

This MR inherits from the closed MR-71967 and adds new features on top. The changes here are intended to edit the dev menu to:

1- Add DIPZ test chains intended for improving the signal efficiency of low mass SUSY decaying with RPV couplings which uses the benchmark physics menu chain from ATR-28985

2- Add new TLA EOF chains (with and without full-scan tracking) for the purposes of studying H->cc+ISRJet signature and exploring further additions of a DIPZ preselection on top of that to potenitally improve signal efficiency ATR-29016

3- Remove unneeded DIPZ chains that were intended for the studying of the addition of a DIPZ preselection to the HH4b chains ATR-29269

Ran the RunTrigART minimal testing configuration and updated the ref. files accordingly

Tagging @mmontell for TLA, @miochoa @pakontax for jet triggers, @lshi @boliu for bjet triggers, @dguest @kleney @sfranche for DIPZ

Merge request reports
