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FPGATrkConverter: Fix FPGATrackSimHit - xAOD cluster matching

Federica Piazza requested to merge piazza/athena:FPGAConversion_fix into main

In FPGAActsTrkConverter, Acts Proto-Tracks are created starting from FPGATrackSim tracks and the collection of all converted xAOD clusters. An xAOD cluster is associated to the proto-track if it’s matched to one of the hits of the FPGATrackSim track. This matching was incorrectly based on module identifier, leading to multiple xAOD clusters being associated to the same FPGATrackSim hit.

This MR should provide an univocal matching, based on the pixel/strip identifier.

@tbold @jahreda @imaznas

Edited by Federica Piazza

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