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Allow access to full thresholds dictionary from L1Menu using python

Paul Thompson requested to merge thompson/athena:python-bdt-menu-access into 24.0

There are some items in the L1Menu that are important for configuring the monitoring/DAOD/analysis of the Phase 1 FEX systems that are not presently obtainable on the python side. In particular, to see if the menu is configured for the heuristic or BDT algorithm in the eFEX firmware requires the full eTAU thresholds map. The merge request makes this possible by doing e.g.

from TrigConfigSvc.TriggerConfigAccess import getL1MenuAccess
l1menu = getL1MenuAccess(flags)
algoVersion = l1menu.thresholds('eTAU', fulldict = True)["algoVersion"]

Discussed with experts @tamartin, @ballbroo, @stelzer

Merge request reports