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tauMonitoring: skip taus failing AOD thinning cut


!72397 (merged) revealed an issue in the offline tau monitoring (ATLASRECTS-8037). We have an early stopping condition in the tau reconstruction: if the tau is too soft, it won't be written to AOD (it will be dropped by a thinning algorithm), and therefore we abort its reconstruction, e.g. we don't run tau ID. Still, we currently try to access ID-related variables in the monitoring, and it now fails. This MR is skipping these incompletely-built taus.

I also dropped some deprecated code.

Targeting main, as !72397 (merged) went to main, but the issue is also present in 24.0.

Tagging @ademaria , @sineadf , @dta .

Cheers, Bertrand

Merge request reports