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The first version of code for the loop detection in MC event record

Andrii Verbytskyi requested to merge averbyts/athena:mcloops into main

The first version of code for the loop detection in MC event record. In this MR the LoopsByBarcode is removed and instead a very simple algorithms for smallest loop removal is added. The long loops are only detected.

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@jchapman @dhirsch @ancuetog @asaibel

The question is what one would like to do with those events. The full list of solutions:

  • Just warn during the generation. In most cases nothing will happen. So far this is "implemented". In the worst cases, with the same or similar function on the analysis level the user can deal with the event.
  • Drop the event if a flag (to be implemented) is set to do that. Probably the best scenario. The MC is generated, and one should investigate the bad cases and report them.
  • Gobble the loop. Possible, however, that might gobble a lot of vertices.
Edited by Andrii Verbytskyi

Merge request reports
