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CPAlgorithms: remove postfix option from jet calibration

Baptiste Ravina requested to merge ravinab-main-patch-ca99 into main

In JetAnalysisConfig, this postfix option is only ever used to name the algorithms and tools. Since we only run calibration once, it should be equivalent to using the containerName property in the naming convention. This simplifies the configuration a little bit for users, who otherwise have to remember to do something like

  - containerName: 'AnaJets'
    jetCollection: 'AntiKt4EMPFlowJets'
    runJvtUpdate: False
  - containerName: 'AnaTrackJets'
    jetCollection: 'AntiKtVR30Rmax4Rmin02PV0TrackJets'
    postfix: 'trackjets'

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