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Adding new truthLabelName for truth large R jets with muons (R10WZTruthLabel_R22v1)

Andrius Vaitkus requested to merge avaitkus/athena:JetTruthLabelling_WZ into main

Adds a new TruthLabel (R10WZTruthLabel_R22v1) to the JetTruthLabelling tool, which uses AntiKt10TruthDressedWZSoftDropBeta100Zcut10Jets and AntiKt10TruthDressedWZJets jet collections (incuding muons, neutrinos and FSR photons).

This MR is related to Add prerequisite for jet truth labelling tool (!74162 - merged). Should (ideally) be merged after it.

Edited by Andrius Vaitkus

Merge request reports
