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TrigEDMConfig: Add more EDM entry checks for testEDMRun3, use on extended EDM list (ATR-26391)

Claire Antel requested to merge cantel/athena:24.0_trigEDM_tests into 24.0

Adding further checks of Run 3 trigger EDM and performing EDM check in more places.

New function testEDMList() created in to use in

  1. testEDM‎‎ unit test (replaces previous checks that ran here).
  2. on user-extended EDM list during configuration, extended via flags.Trigger.ExtraEDMList input via _addExtraCollectionsToEDMList.
  3. testEDM‎.py‎ unit test on dummy EDM + extended dummy EDM via _addExtraCollectionsToEDMList call.

The additional checks added here are:

  • EDM entry has at least 3 entries (also to avoid invalid index access in the script).
  • entry name contains exactly one '#'.
  • no '.' if entry name contains no 'Aux'
  • an entry starting with xAOD and not containing 'Aux' is followed by an entry that pattern matches this.
  • matching interface-aux entries also share same targets.
  • if 'AOD' contained in target list, 'ESD' contained in target list also.
  • if 'SLIM' contained in target list, 'AODFULL' contained in target list also.
  • no duplicate entries after stripping all characters after a '.' (stripping container variables).

And following previous checks are kept:

  • container type name can be entered in the CLID database.
  • if 'Aux' in name, 'Aux.' in name too.
  • 'Aux' always follows 'non-Aux' entry
  • target is defined in AllowedOutputFormats
  • allowTruncation-labelled entries are at the end of list.
  • All entries of EDMDetailsRun3 appear in the list (errors for this check can be suppressed).

Adjustments for EDM entry format compliance

  • ESD target added to HLTNav_Summary_AODSlimmed entries.
  • EDIT for the record: (non-online collections) HLTNav_Summary_AODSlimmed and HLTNav_Summary_ESDSlimmed removed from TriggerEDMRun3 entirely, as should be redundant (offline code already writes them to file), and otherwise failed new EDM checks.
  • _addExtraCollectionsToEDMList now adds new collections to start of list so that "allowTruncation" items remain at end of list/serialised last.
Edited by Claire Antel

Merge request reports