2024-08-06: merge of 24.0 into main
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This sweep contains the following MRs:
- !73544 (merged) Update L1CaloFEXSimCfg.py - set IsMC on subsubsubtool of jFEX simulation L1Calo, Trigger, changes-trigger-counts
- !73545 (merged) EnhancedBias data taking for August 2024 (2350b), ATR-29894 Trigger, TriggerMenu
- !73539 (merged) Added a dedicated HI L1 Menu input file Trigger, TriggerMenu
- !73219 (merged) Removing unused containers from TrigEDM Run3-DataReco-output-changed, Run3-MCReco-output-changed, Tools, Trigger, TriggerEDM
- !73538 (merged) corrected the way that the felix words are counted MuonSpectrometer, Trigger
- !73534 (merged) Update basic.opts - add DetectorStore creation to basic options, so that e.g.... Analysis
- !73514 (merged) fix a few bugs concerning reading sTGC T0 calibration from the database MuonSpectrometer
- !73506 (merged) TRTCalib - addressing some minor mistakes and improving errors InnerDetector
- !73501 (merged) xAODEventInfoCnv: Make sure event weight gets copied. EDM
- !73478 (merged) adding gn2xv02 Analysis, BTagging, Derivation, JetEtmiss
- !73508 (merged) eFEX TOBs SuperCell Energy Decorator follow up L1Calo, Trigger
- !73522 (merged) Update on Photon Ringer path and Reerence counts Trigger, TriggerMenu, changes-trigger-counts
- !73527 (merged) Frontier access hardcode DB type for 3 columns in the run 2 TriggerDB Trigger
- !73467 (merged) ZDC reconstruction: New mechanism to allow comparison of low and high gain performance ForwardDetectors
Edited by Tadej Novak
Merge request reports