b-jet calibration CP algorithm
DiHiggs analyses have been using in their past Run 2 and now current Run 3 iterations b-jet pT corrections, inspired by the VHbb analyses. More details can be found in https://indico.cern.ch/event/1401273/contributions/5890523/attachments/2834123/4952335/B-jet%20calibration%20in%20HH%20muon-in-jet%20and%20PtReco-1.pdf
Those corrections have so far been implemented in a separate repository, installed as a submodule in various analysis frameworks https://gitlab.cern.ch/r3hh-public/b-jet-energy-corrections
More and more analyses have demonstrated interest in using those corrections and at this point it probably makes sense to have this available as a CP algorithm in the release. This MR introduces such an algorithm and its associated tools. The tools can be later updated, in particular to accommodate for the ongoing effort for b-jet MVA-based regressions.
The config block configurations will be introduced in a subsequent MR
FYI @camacho @fballi @jdandoy @pereirap @tofitsch @bhodkins @mswiatlo for JetMET @vcairo @valentem @lderamo @aad for HH