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Smoothing egamma material resolution systematic vs pT

Motivation: smoothing egamma material resolution systemaitc which are currently binned values (see plot in jira).

Summary of changes:

  • add a swtich `m_interpolate` for linearly interpolating material resolution uncertainty vs pT. Swithced on only for esmodel=es2022_R21_Precision_lowmu
  • add a function `interpolateTH1(TH1 *hist, double x, bool abs_bins)` to interpolate linearly in 2 nearest bins with the option to use absolute bin content
  • add a function `store_IBL_PP0_YProjections` to projection TH2 to TH1 (for IBL and PP0 systematics) before event loop

tagging ey software conveners @mungo @fnechans, e/y conveners @ludovica @kristin @ahabouel, ey calibration @gunal.

Merge request reports
