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Adding pixel/SCT clusters and MSOSs for tracks & tracklets to DAOD_LLP1

Ian Dyckes requested to merge gdyckes/athena:clusters-in-LLP1 into main

If pixel/SCT cluster and MSOS containers are present in the AOD, save them to DAOD_LLP1.

See ATLIDTRKCP-569 for more information on saving Inner Detector clusters/drift circles to the AOD for tracks satisfying some configurable selections. Also see the MR (!72727) implementing this functionality in 24.0 (also picked to main).

Since we use smart containers for InDetTrackParticles, we have to explicitly keep the links from these tracks to the MSOS containers (InDetTrackParticles.Reco_msosLink). We save everything for InDetDisappearingTrackParticles.

Since we only expect to have a small number of events in our custom AODs, I don't think we need to slim the cluster containers. When only keeping pixel & SCT clusters on track(let)s above 10 (5) GeV, the size increase is only ~5 kb/event.

Edited by Ian Dyckes

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