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FPGATrackSim: Complete the data prep algorithm and cleanup (updated)

Jahred Adelman requested to merge jahreda/athena:EFTrackingDPRedux into main

Includes cleanup to output the data prep alg, rename some tests, convert our data prep alg objects and fix a few small things such as fixing eta ranges and renaming files to better match convention and what makes sense. Tagging @brosser @piazza @imaznas and @tbold. This is taking the place of !74245 (closed) There are some big python changes but they are only moving code between one python file and another (so that one doesn't get tooooo big!) After this MR we can now take FPGATrackSim clusters and spacepoints and convert them to xAOD format without running any other pattern reco algorithms. This would then be the input for an EFTracking Data FPGA Prep pipeline (F100).

Merge request reports
