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AthenaPoolExample xAOD EDM Read/Write CI build IO tests

Arthur Charles Kraus requested to merge akraus/athena:jacks-test-branch into main

There are a number of CI build I/O tests in the Database/AthenaPool/AthenaPoolExample/AthenaPoolExampleAlgorithms that we would like to test more of the modern I/O functionality.

This MR adds in two tests within the package that read and write bespoke xAOD objects called ExampleElectrons that have a charge and pT. The test takes existing pT values from ExampleTracks, which are generated from the test, and writes them to the xAOD::ExampleElectron object which is then put into TestContainer and saved to SimplePoolFile_xAOD.root. The test then takes that SimplePoolFile_xAOD.root and loops over all the ExampleElectrons and reads back the pT value.

These tests also write decorations to the corresponding ExampleElectrons, where, upon reading ignore the second decoration decor2 and only read the first decor1.

JIRA ticket:

Edited by Arthur Charles Kraus

Merge request reports
