Physval: add grl and other event and photon cleaning
In this MR, selections are added to the event in PhysValMonitoring
and to the photons in EgammaPhysValMonitoring
, used by PhysValidation and others (@ponyisi, @carquin @astruebi @martindl)
What is introduced is only for data.
- GoodRunList (using
) - EventCleaning (using
= Tile/LAr/SCT/Incomplete Events Errors) - Photon object quality (using
photon->isGoodOQ (xAOD::EgammaParameters::BADCLUSPHOTON)
was already present in EgammaPhysValMonitoring
(similar for electrons).
The configuration of PhysValMonitoring
has been adapted using seqAND
. GoodRunList and EventCleaning are disabled by default.
@gunal @ludovica @kristin @ahabouel @rbianchi
Check the impact on MC -
Check no missing cleaning -
Check no unwanted impact on other domains
Edited by Ruggero Turra