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MuonR4- Introduce truth overlay algorithm

Johannes Junggeburth requested to merge jojungge/athena:TruthOverLayR4 into main
  • Add algorithm to overlay the SDOs. Hits with the same Identifier are first sorted by time. If two overlayed hits are within the mergeTime window, the deposited energy is summed up. If one of them is actually a truth muon, then the truth parameters from that hit are copied.
  • Refactor the fast digitization of the strip detectors. Instead of just digitizing the truth muon hits, a dead time window of 100ns (RPC/TGC) or 300 ns (MM/STGC) is introduced. Consecutive hits on the same strip are rejected if their time is within the dead time window. Further, the SDOs now carry the Identifier of the eta digit. In case, of inefficienies of the eta channels, the hit is represented in the phi gas gap frame.

Tagging: @goblirsc, @kluit, @pscholer, @emoyse, @ddicroce, @mcarnesa, @damperia, @tlari, @markowen

Edited by Johannes Junggeburth

Merge request reports
