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Force Tile to build FULL geometry when using DumpGeo

Riccardo Maria Bianchi requested to merge rbianchi/athena:debug-tile-geo into main

In the new CA configuration, the Tile geometry is built as a partial "RECO" geometry, which is almost empty, unless we're in a Simulation ProductionStep.

This affects both DumpGeo and VP1, which receive only a very reduced GeoModel subtree for Tile and dump/show an empty Tile.

This MR adds a new setting to the DumpGeo CA config to force Tile to build a "FULL" geometry.

[It also adds a new CLI option to DumpGeo to show the content of the first layers of the Treetops]

Cc: @boudreau @tsulaia @solodkov

Edited by Riccardo Maria Bianchi

Merge request reports
