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[ATDAQPPES-4] Integrate Global simulation into R4 MC pipeline

Tim Martin requested to merge tamartin/athena:main_trigger_AddGlobal_Run4 into main

Hello @peter,

Following on from our prior chat, in this MR I am looking to integrating your work so far on the global sim prototype into the L1 simulation when running over Run 4 MC.

Please treat "L1" the same as "L0" for the time being.

There is a new flag to control the execution: Trigger.L1.doGlobal

The algorithms scheduled by GlobalL1TopoSimulationCfg will go into a sequencer under HLTBeginSeq/L1SimSeq/L0GlobalSimSeq. At the moment there is only one alg, but if in the future you add multiple then the scheduler will handle their execution via data dependency due to this being a parallel sequencer (parOR).

At the moment the produced outputs aren't consumed downstream.

Marking draft to discuss how to proceed with missing imports.

Merge request reports
