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CPAlgorithms: allow NBTAG selector to take also a custom jet selection

Baptiste Ravina requested to merge ravinab/athena:nbjet_with_selection into main

Allow to pass a custom jet selection to the EventSelection keyword that cuts on the number of b-jets in the event.

The allowed setups are now e.g.:

JET_N_BTAG >= 1                                      # use overall jet selection and btagger
JET_N_BTAG GN2v01:FixedCutBEff_85 >= 1               # use overall jet selection and custom btagger
JET_N_BTAG jvtORloose >= 1                           # use overall tagger and custom selection
JET_N_BTAG jvtORloose GN2v01:FixedCutBEff_85 >= 1    # use custom tagger and selection

@tdado @adohnalo

Merge request reports
