added inside-out configuration to map maker, fixed pmap bug
An inside-out configuration for mapmaker has been added. This has been tested, and after fixing the existing bug described below it works as expected (attached file shows example of correctly selected pixel-only region).
In the testing, it was found that the pmap getLayerSection function was returning a wrong value if the inputs were out of the configured range. This resulted in unconfigured modules being accepted by the FPGATrackSimRawToLogicalHitsTool::convert function. So ultimately algorithms were seeing hits outside the range configured in the mapmaker. Note the return of the wrong value was labelled with a comment "// TMP HACK FIX REMOVE ME". This merge request replaces that with returning specifically invalid value that can (was already) tested for in downstream code. This could expose other bugs if the test for invalid is not implemented somewhere as it should have been, since the default behavior FPGATrackSimPlaneMap::getLayerSection is to return invalid if the hit is not in the mapped region.