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Introduce an attribute to store short events (primarily LHE-like) in the HepMC::GenEvent

Andrii Verbytskyi requested to merge averbyts/athena:shortevent into main

Introduce an attribute to store short events (primarily LHE-like) in the HepMC::GenEvent

From e.g. the Pythia8_i it can be used as

        auto evtlhe = std::make_shared<HepMC3::GenEvent>();
        toHepMClhe.fill_next_event(pythia.process, evtlhe.get(), m_internal_event_number, &, &pythia.settings);
        auto extra = std::make_shared<HepMC3::ShortEventAttribute>(evtlhe.get());

The ShortEventAttribute was designed to be close to LHE.

To retrieve the attribute

       auto extra = evt.attribute<HepMC3::ShortEventAttribute>("MEEvent");

To print

        std::string xx;

@pclark @jchapman

Edited by Andrii Verbytskyi

Merge request reports
