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Draft: Update/Cleanup of the TrigTauHypo, TrigTauRec, TrigTauMonitoring, and HLT Tau configuration

Jean Yves Beaucamp requested to merge jbeaucam/athena:24.0-TrigTauHypo into 24.0

This MR addresses the cleanup/documentation of the TrigTauHypo, TrigTauRec, and TrigTauMonitoring packages, and the Tau module of the TriggerMenuMT package, in preparation to the HLT GNTau implementation.

No HLT Tau Triggers will be used in the low-mu pp or HI data-taking runs, so we can submit the largest MR now, which is needed before we start validating the new HLT GNTau.

Amongst the most important changes, we can list:

  • Cleanup of unused and legacy code in the hypothesis and TrigTauRecMerged algorithms/tools.
  • All names for the TrigTauHypo algorithms were updated to the Run 3 naming conventions.
  • Updated online monitoring histogram and variable descriptions: The histograms' names have been overridden to be the same as in the current Athena release to allow for an HLT Reprocessing validation round with proper reference comparisons.
    • After the changes are validated, we'll update the histogram names.
  • Unified the name of all the HLT Tau sequences (replaced the precision-tracking and precision step view names; the new ones were added to the EDM, but no additional collections/variables are required).
  • Rewrote all the Python configs, including documentation comments describing the reco sequences. This can be used as a quick reference for newcomers.
  • Updated TrigTauMonitoring to allow the retrieval of multiple Tau ID scores.
  • General code linting.

The changes were validated by comparing event counts and online/offline monitoring histograms for 10k mc23e ttbar/g*tautau/Ztautau events.

Edited by Jean Yves Beaucamp

Merge request reports
