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Adding items seeded from eEM2_EMPTY and eEM5_EMPTY, ATR-30399

Muhammad Alhroob requested to merge alhroob/athena:eEM_ATR-30399 into 24.0

Two L1 items and corresponding 4 HLT items for the CosmicCalo stream for the HI. L1 items: eEM2_EMPTY and eEM5_EMPTY The HLT items: HLT_larpsallem_L1eEM2_EMPTY and HLT_larpsallem_L1eEM5_EMPTY HLT_noalg_LArPEBNoise_L1eEM2_EMPTY and HLT_noalg_LArPEBNoise_L1eEM5_EMPTY Ticket ATR-30399

Merge request reports
