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TrigEgammaMonitoring: add support for lhvloose electron chains (low-mu menu)

Bertrand Martin Dit Latour requested to merge martindl/athena:24.0_egMonFix into 24.0


As discussed in ATR-30402, in the low-mu menu, HLT_e14_lhvloose_L1eEM12L is added to the 'egammaMon:shifter' monitoring category, but TrigEgammaMonitorAlgorithm is not configured accordingly and crashes when processing this chain. This MR adds support for lhvloose. Adding the urgent label, as it's blocking the processing of the pp ref run.

Tagging @dta , @jdevivi , @eegidiop , @nibrahim .

Cheers, Bertrand

Merge request reports
