Set original object link for MET with standard taus in TauCombineMuonRMTausAlg + skip invalid link
Fix error
MetMakerAlg.makerTool WARNING Object is not in association map. Did you make a deep copy but fail to set the "originalObjectLinks" decoration? If not, Please apply xAOD::setOriginalObjectLink() from xAODBase/IParticleHelpers.h
MetMakerAlg.makerTool ERROR Missing an object: 9 pT: 22.2722 GeV, may be duplicated in the soft term.
MetMakerAlg FATAL Standard std::exception is caught in sysExecute
MetMakerAlg ERROR SG::ExcInvalidLink: Attempt to dereference invalid DataLink / ElementLink [1241842700/] (0)