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Draft: rename the HLTNav_RepackedFeatures_Particle container only during the reading phase

Yuriy Volkotrub requested to merge yvolkotr/athena:master-alg-rename into main

This script is designed only to rename branches during the reading process. It will be part of a job where the HLTNav_RepackedFeatures_Particle container is loaded under a different name using AddressRemappingSvc. A new algorithm (**) then begins copying the renamed HLTNav_RepackedFeatures_Particle container back to its original name, performing bit removal along the way. All other content from the input file is copied directly to the output file.

(**) Development of the algorithm that compresses and copies data to the same collection in the output file is ongoing.

lsetup "asetup Athena,main,latest";
./ --filesInput input.pool.root[,...] --output output.pool.root;

Here is the link to the test log in testing of data24_13p6TeV.00472677.physics_Main.deriv.DAOD_PHYSLITE.f1437_m2243_p6142 link to log file

Edited by Yuriy Volkotrub

Merge request reports
