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ACTS spot test with heavy ions

Carlo Varni requested to merge cvarni/athena:SpotTestWithHeavyIons into main

A script to be used for SPOT test with ACTS on Heavy Ion sample. I have put a 200 events RDO file in /eos/atlas/atlascerngroupdisk/data-art/grid-input/PhaseIIUpgrade/RDO/ATLAS-P2-RUN4-03-00-01/mc23_5p36TeV.860167.Hijing_PbPb_MinBias_Flow_JJFV6.evgen.RDO.e8548_s4345/.

We may run only on few events for the SPOT test.... not sure how many would be enough

Sample (RDO file) generated with recipe on: ATLIDTRKCP-650

Edited by Carlo Varni

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