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Create xAOD::TrackMeasurementValidation objects from Pixel and Strip Clusters

Pierfrancesco Butti requested to merge pibutti/athena:acts-prd-info into main

MR to add TrackMeasurementValidation collection with truth information if required by reconstruction jobOption when using only Acts-based reconstruction. I've decided to write a conversion from PixelClusters / StripClusters to TrackMeasurementValidations because downstream monitoring (IDPVM) and derivation tools assume those type of objects. In the future we could change this, but requires further discussion.


  • two "copies" of the same algorithm for Pixel and Strip sensors are used. In the future we plan to improve this.
  • the two algorithms are only used to store truth particle indices and barcodes necessary for getting technical efficiencies plots filled in IDPVM. Information for proper derivations still missing.

Merge request reports
