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ACTS TF: copy track state for 2nd pass

Tim Adye requested to merge adye/athena:adye-ckf68 into main
  • Track state counters were not copied over to the second pass. This fixes that using #3534 in !74810 (merged).
  • Skip second pass if out of bounds. This follows the example of #3751.
  • Use Acts::TrackProxy::createParametersFromState() instead of creating Acts::BoundTrackParameters directly.
  • TrackFindingAlg's initPixelStripCounts() and updatePixelStripCounts() can be static functions.
  • Add newLine option to TrackStatePrinterTool::printTrackState() to allow adding debugging to the end of the line in the caller. The method returns true if anything was printed. This option was used in testing this MR. It is no longer used, but could be useful in future.
Edited by Tim Adye

Merge request reports
