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Rpc add mezzanine cabling structure

Merged Johannes Junggeburth requested to merge jojungge/athena:BIS78_Mezzanine into main
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Copyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
#include <set>
#include "AthenaKernel/CLASS_DEF.h"
#include "Identifier/Identifier.h"
#include "MuonCablingData/NrpcCablingData.h"
* @brief NRPC map data object
class RpcIdHelper;
class IdentifierHash;
class MuonNRPC_CablingMap {
/** typedef to implement the csm mapping to ROB */
/* mapping from hashid to ROB identifier as Subdetector+Rodid */
using ChamberToROBMap = std::map<IdentifierHash, uint32_t>;
using ROBToChamberMap = std::map<uint32_t, std::vector<IdentifierHash>>;
using ListOfROB = std::vector<uint32_t>;
/** return the offline id given the online id */
bool getOfflineId(NrpcCablingData& cabling_data, MsgStream& log) const;
/** return the online id given the offline id */
bool getOnlineId(NrpcCablingData& cabling_data, MsgStream& log) const;
/** converts the cabling data into an identifier. The check valid argument
* optionally enables the check that the returned identifier is actually
* well defined within the ranges but is also slow */
bool convert(const NrpcCablingData& cabling_data, Identifier& id,
bool check_valid = true) const;
/** converts the identifier into a cabling data object. Returns false if the
* Identifier is not Nrpc. */
bool convert(const Identifier& id,
NrpcCablingData& cabling_data,
bool setSideBit) const;
/// Inserts a cabling object into the map
bool insertChannels(const NrpcCablingCoolData& cabling_data, MsgStream& log);
/// Performs consistency checks for the cabling data (I.e. looking for 0
/// strips and overlaps)
bool finalize(MsgStream& log);
/** return the ROD id of a given chamber, given the hash id */
uint32_t getROBId(const IdentifierHash& stationCode, MsgStream& log) const;
/** get the robs corresponding to a vector of hashIds, copied from Svc
* before the readCdo migration */
ListOfROB getROBId(const std::vector<IdentifierHash>& rpcHashVector,
MsgStream& log) const;
/** return a HashId list for a given ROD */
const std::vector<IdentifierHash>& getChamberHashVec(const uint32_t ROBI,
MsgStream& log) const;
std::vector<IdentifierHash> getChamberHashVec(const ListOfROB& ROBs,
MsgStream& log) const;
/** return the full list of ROD id */
const ListOfROB& getAllROBId() const;
using OnlToOfflMap = std::map<NrpcCablOnDataByTdc, NrpcCablingOfflineID, std::less<>>;
using OfflToOnlMap = std::map<NrpcCablingOfflineID, NrpcCablOnDataByStripSet, std::less<>>;
/// Map to cache the online -> offline conversions
OnlToOfflMap m_onToOffline{};
/// Map to cache the offline -> online conversions
OfflToOnlMap m_offToOnline{};
ChamberToROBMap m_chambROBs{};
ROBToChamberMap m_ROBHashes{};
/** Pointer to the RpcIdHelper */
const RpcIdHelper* m_rpcIdHelper{};
/** full list of ROBs */
ListOfROB m_listOfROB{};
CLASS_DEF(MuonNRPC_CablingMap, 94020450, 0)
#include "AthenaKernel/CondCont.h"
CLASS_DEF(CondCont<MuonNRPC_CablingMap>, 207572956, 0)