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Add protection against bad perigee in GlobalChi2Fitter (ATLASRECTS-8078)

Thomas Strebler requested to merge tstreble/athena:ATLASRECTS-8078_HI into 24.0

In ATLASRECTS-8078, the following error was reported

RAWtoALL 17:35:52 InDetAmbiguitySolverUPC.InDetAmb...InDetPropagator     0     0   ERROR Call to non-implemented propagateM

This is triggered in the hole search of the global X2 fitter, where some track state can be associated with some ill-defined perigee with a very large z

RAWtoALL 17:35:09  * corresponding global parameters:
RAWtoALL 17:35:09  *    position  (x,  y,  z ) = (205.2933287, -42.7779597, -22167.2632781)

Addressed here similarly to other ATLASRECTS-8078 errors

Closes ATLASRECTS-8078

Merge request reports
