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Turn off Ambiguity Resolution for GNN tracking

Minh Tuan Pham requested to merge tupham/athena:tp_turn_off_AR_for_GNN into main

This MR adds an option to turn off the ambiguity resolution in the GNN tracking chain, by adding icf.addFlag("Tracking.GNN.doAmbiResolution", True). When this option is set to False, the ambiguity scoring tool and ambiguity resolver tool are replaced by a copy tool to make an alias of the SiSPSeededTrackCollection as the ResolvedTrackCollection.

Another function is added to the SiSPGNNTrackMaker which allows to process track candidates as a vector of clusters instead of SPs, in addition to reading the list of hits with both “,” and “ ” as delimiter.

Edited by Minh Tuan Pham

Merge request reports
