Rebuild of CSSKGParticleFlowObjects and removal of the charged/neutral separated containers of FTAG1 derivation
MR to implement the changes suggested in this mattermost thread in order to get the links to calo clusters in DAODs (after derivation):
- introduce a wrapper in the DerivationJetEtMiss package to implement a function (written by @delsart) that can be used to rebuild the CSSKGParticleFlowObjects container which has the links to the calo clusters.
- removal of CSSKGChargedParticleFlowObjects/CSSKGNeutralParticleFlowObjects in derivation (revert part of this MR). This is required to be able to use the function (that is described in the previous point) in the FTAG tool training-dataset-dumper since the function is creating these containers on the fly during the rebuilding. This MR is related to this training-dataset-dumper MR which will use this function and this version of DAODs without CSSKG containers.
This MR is also related to this JIRA ticket opened by @dguest, which emphasizes the 2 possible workarounds to access the calo clusters in the current version of athena.
Edited by Ines Combes