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ATR-30401 - A Prescaled CR Sideband for ATR-28563 A Phase I L1Topo LLP Trigger

Francesco Curcio requested to merge fcurcio/athena:TM-17Dec2024 into 24.0

it was requested that another L1Topo trigger bit be added for LLP where the deltaPhi cut is removed. the same procedure as the one used here was followed, a new L1 item 'L1_NODPHI-jXE40-jJ40' was declared together with 2 HLT items 'HLT_noalg_L1NODPHI-jXE40-jJ40' and 'HLT_j20_calratiovar_roiftf_preselj20emf24_L1NODPHI-jXE40-jJ40'

Edited by Francesco Curcio

Merge request reports
