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CP algorithms: Muon trigger SF calculation improvements and fixes

Tadej Novak requested to merge tadej/athena:cp-trig-muon into main

Standalone muon trigger SF calculation in CP algorithms improvements and fixes:

  • add ability to not save SF
  • fix MC efficiency output (SF was actually written twice with different names)
  • save also data efficiency
  • make HLT prefix configurable -> @tstreble, why do we actually want to disable it besides the fact global trigger tool does not use it?
  • make output prefixes configurable - useful if multiple WPs are covered (alternatively we could somehow add ID to the name, but current implementation allows more flexibility)
  • support all years for uniform branches (year boundaries are hardcoded but probably it's fine, still I kept the default behaviour in for now)

Keeping as draft for now to get feedback but to allow more testing.

/cc @tstreble @jedebevc @ravinab

Merge request reports
