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ACTS TF: compute shared hits

Tim Adye requested to merge adye/athena:adye-ckf70 into main

Separates out measurementContainerOffsets() and measurementOffsets() from ActsTrk::detail::TrackFindingMeasurements into a new class ActsTrk::detail::SharedHitCounter.

  • This class needs the hits provided with its own addMeasurements()
  • It provides a method computeSharedHits() to record shared hits in a newly created track. This is used by TrackFindingAlg and TrackExtensionAlg to add shared hit flags to their output tracks.
  • As a by-product, also provides method measurementIndex(hit), which is a unique hit index that is printed by TrackStatePrinter.
Edited by Tim Adye

Merge request reports
