ONNXRUNTIME Example Package
This package is meant to hold code demonstrating how to use onnxruntime from Athena.
The package loads a MNIST_testModel.onnx model previously trained to recognize
handwritten digits in the form of 28x28 pixels from 0 to 9
. When Run in a DEBUG
mode the logistics of the input and output layers can be seen
AthONNX DEBUG Input 0 : name= flatten_input:0
AthONNX DEBUG Input 0 : num_dims= 3
AthONNX DEBUG Input 0 : dim 0= -1
AthONNX DEBUG Input 0 : dim 1= 28
AthONNX DEBUG Input 0 : dim 2= 28
AthONNX DEBUG Output 0 : name= dense_1/Softmax:0
AthONNX DEBUG Output 0 : num_dims= 2
AthONNX DEBUG Output 0 : dim 0= -1
AthONNX DEBUG Output 0 : dim 1= 10
The dim 0= -1
always represents the batch size and ready to take any intger no. The model in this
example package has provition to run both No-BatchMode and BatchMode. For No-BatchMode dim 0= 1
BatchMode dim 0= batch size
The package further loads test pixel dataset and their labels. When not running in batch mode EvaluateModel randomly picks a sample from the dataset and passes through MNIST_testModel.onnx model and predicts its value among 0 to 9. The highest probable(score) value should match with actual label of the sample e.g.:
INFO Label for the input test data = 1
AthONNX DEBUG Score for class 0 = 1.07293e-07
AthONNX DEBUG Score for class 1 = 0.999818
AthONNX DEBUG Score for class 2 = 1.18024e-05
AthONNX DEBUG Score for class 3 = 2.53529e-05
AthONNX DEBUG Score for class 4 = 4.19157e-06
AthONNX DEBUG Score for class 5 = 1.66088e-06
AthONNX DEBUG Score for class 6 = 7.7723e-06
AthONNX DEBUG Score for class 7 = 6.33801e-05
AthONNX DEBUG Score for class 8 = 5.83467e-05
AthONNX DEBUG Score for class 9 = 9.74693e-06
AthONNX INFO Class: 1 has the highest score: 0.999818
The above result can be obtained by running athena AthExOnnxRuntime_jobOptions.py
in your run directory. Edit AthExOnnxRuntime_jobOptions.py's AthONNX.DoBatches = False
to run in No Batch
To Run in Batch mode edit AthONNX.DoBatches = True
and provide number of batches and each batch size to
and to AthONNX.SizeOfBatch
Fyi. by default the algorithms will run in No-Batch mode