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William Axel Leight's avatar
William Axel Leight authored
This tool runs during derivation and adds Higgs STXS truth information to the AOD.
To run it requires the TruthConverters package that was not yet in the release.
Additionally I had to make a couple of modifications to the HiggsTruthCategoryTool which is only used by this tool.
I was able to successfully run on a Higgs AOD with this enabled as part of PHYS and the results looked reasonable.

ATLAS Offline software

Welcome to ATLAS offline software!

To find out how to build Athena, make merge requests etc, please have a look at the release building pages.

In particular, if you fork this project please do not forget to add the ATLAS Robot as a developer (assuming you might want to submit a merge request) as documented here.

For ATLAS members, please see the Atlas Computing Twiki for even more information.


The following branches are currently active:

Branch Purpose Main Project, Release Series
21.0 Tier0 and MC16c Athena, 21.0.X
21.0-mc16a MC16a bugfixes Athena, 21.0.20.Y
21.0-mc16d MC16d bugfixes Athena, 21.0.20.Y
21.1 HLT and P1 monitoring AthenaP1, 21.1.X
21.2 Derivations and Analysis AthDerivations + (Ath)AnalysisBase, 21.2.X
21.3 MC18 Simulation Athena, 21.3.X
21.6 Event Generation AthGeneration, 21.6.X
21.9 Upgrade Phase-2 developments Athena + AthSimulation, 21.9.X
master AthenaMT development Athena, 22.0.X


  • The ATLAS webpage will tell you all about the ATLAS experiment (for ATLAS members, the collaboration webpage is here)
  • The Twiki is the main source of documentation, and has many links to sub-domains
  • The software documentation page has some tutorials etc
  • The git repository is here
  • And the Doxygen code documentation can be found here
  • To cite Athena, you can use the following zenodo DOI