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New Geant4 version v10.6.3.11 to support building Geant4, VecGeom with LTO enabled

Benjamin Morgan requested to merge bmorgan/atlasexternals:geant4-build-lto into main

This bumps the Geant4 version to v10.6.3.11 (from the atlas-simulation-team repo) and enables its build and that of VecGeom with LTO via the CMAKE_INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION option. The only change in v10.6.3.11 with respect to v10.6.3.10 is a patch to its cmake_minimum_required version to allow use of that option when available (from CMake 3.9), and so is purely build/technical with no changes in code and thus physics.

Whilst the changes here will allow Geant4/VecGeom to be built with LTO enabled, !1112 (merged) is also required to properly support LTO enabled builds in Athena.

Part of ATLASSIM-6058, also pinging @mbandier, @jchapman, @whopkins for their info.

Merge request reports