The source project of this merge request has been removed.
This MR is to add the package KLFitter, currently part of athena, into atlasexternals.
KLFitter was initially developed as a tool outside the ATLAS collaboration. Although included into AnalysisBase/Top, it can still be used as a standalone library. Probably due to historical reasons and due to the transfer of the atlasoffline SVN repo into git, the KLFitter code is currently directly included in the athena code. Any changes therefore need to go through the athena MR review chain, and also an ATLAS copyright notice has been added to the KLFitter source code. For us it would be ideal to remove KLFitter from athena, host it in an independent repository, over which we have full control, and then implement KLFitter as an external project for AnalysisBase/AnalysisTop within atlasexternals.
This MR adds cmake configuration for pulling KLFitter from its own dedicated repository and add it to the package filter of AnalysisBaseExternals and AthAnalysisExternals. The KLFitter source code made publicly available on github, from where the code will be pulled.