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Update ONNX Version in AnalysisBase

Michael James Fenton requested to merge cherry-pick-c0601ab1 into 1.0

The version of onnxruntime used in AnalysisBase is still v1.1.1, since AnalysisBase uses branch 1.0 of atlasexternals. This has a very old opset which is too old for some use cases. Therefore, we would like to update to v1.5.1 in branch 1.0, to match the version currently in master (for now ignoring @dbakshig's new MR to update from 1.5.1 to 1.9.1 in master)

Here I've just cherry picked the original 1.1.1->1.5.1 MR. I'm not aware of anything that should prevent us from doing this directly, but someone more expert in this area should confirm.

CC @afarbin @whiteson @jraine @akraszna

upgrading from onnxruntime_1.1.1 to onnxruntime_1.5.1

See merge request !746 (merged)

(cherry picked from commit c0601ab1)

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