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Commit dd4eba2f authored by Marko Petric's avatar Marko Petric
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Merge branch 'hackathon-fixes-2021-04-07' into 'devel'

[devel] Hackathon fixes

See merge request lhcb-dirac/LHCbDIRAC!969
parents 6b924b82 7d8d3f1a
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......@@ -113,7 +113,10 @@ fi
# The names will be "random_content_X" and be between 1 and 10 Mb
# array of fileNames
$DIRAC/DIRAC/tests/System/ --Files=${numberOfFiles} --Name=${filesName} --Path=${temporaryPath}
if [ ! -f ]; then
curl -LO
bash --Files=${numberOfFiles} --Name=${filesName} --Path=${temporaryPath}
# fileNames=()
# for n in {1..10}
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ declare -a commands=(
'test $( dirac-bookkeeping-get-file-ancestors /lhcb/certification/test/XDIGI/00001447/0000/00001447_00000001_1.xdigi --All | grep /lhcb/certification/test/SIM/00001446/0000/00001446 | wc -l ) = 5'
'dirac-bookkeeping-get-file-descendants /lhcb/certification/test/XDIGI/00001447/0000/00001447_00000001_1.xdigi --All'
'test $( dirac-bookkeeping-get-file-sisters /lhcb/certification/test/XDIGI/00001447/0000/00001447_00000001_1.xdigi --All | grep NoSister | wc -l ) = 1'
'test $( dirac-bookkeeping-get-stats --BKQuery=/certification/test/Beam2510GeV-2015-MagDown-Nu1.5-25ns-Pythia8/Sim09c/Digi14b/24142001/XDIGI | grep "Nb of Files" | cut -d ":" -f 2 ) = 130'
'test $( dirac-bookkeeping-get-stats --BKQuery=/certification/test/Beam2510GeV-2015-MagDown-Nu1.5-25ns-Pythia8/Sim09c/Digi14b/24142001/XDIGI | grep "Nb of Files" | cut -d ":" -f 2 ) > 10'
'dirac-bookkeeping-get-processing-passes --BKQuery=/certification/test/Beam2510GeV-2015-MagDown-Nu1.5-25ns-Pythia8/Sim09c/24142001/'
'dirac-bookkeeping-get-run-ranges --Activity=Collision12 --Fast'
'test $( dirac-bookkeeping-get-runsWithAGivenDate 2012-04-01 2012-05-01 | wc -w ) = 283'
......@@ -33,11 +33,11 @@ declare -a commands=(
'test $( dirac-bookkeeping-production-files 1446 ALL | grep "lhcb/certification/test/" | wc -l ) = 48'
'test $( dirac-bookkeeping-production-information 1447 | grep CONDDB | cut -d : -f 2 | sed "s/ //g" ) = "sim-20161124-2015at5TeV-vc-md100"'
'dirac-bookkeeping-production-jobs 1446 | grep'
'test $( dirac-bookkeeping-productions-summary --BKQuery=/certification/test/Beam2510GeV-2015-MagDown-Nu1.5-25ns-Pythia8/Sim09c/24142001/ | grep Beam2510GeV-2015-MagDown-Nu1.5-25ns-Pythia81099 | wc -l ) = 5'
'test $( dirac-bookkeeping-productions-summary --BKQuery=/certification/test/Beam2510GeV-2015-MagDown-Nu1.5-25ns-Pythia8/Sim09c/24142001/ | grep Beam2510GeV-2015-MagDown-Nu1.5-25ns-Pythia81099 | grep -c GAUSSHIST ) > 3'
'dirac-bookkeeping-rejection-stats --BKQuery=/certification/test/Beam2510GeV-2015-MagDown-Nu1.5-25ns-Pythia8/Sim09c/24142001/'
'test $( dirac-bookkeeping-run-files 81789 | grep .raw | wc -l ) = 73'
'test $( dirac-bookkeeping-run-information 81789 | grep Beam3500GeV-VeloClosed-MagDown-Excl-R1-R2 | wc -l ) = 1'
'test $( dirac-bookkeeping-simulationconditions-list | grep SimId | wc -l ) = 107'
'test $( dirac-bookkeeping-simulationconditions-list | grep -c SimId ) > 100'
for command in "${commands[@]}"
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