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New selection and corrections on the weights

I redefined the btag efficiency and the optimized selection with the new selection. I added all the corrections for both loose and tight leptons in a unique jobconfiganalysis. I added new functions in NanoAODAnalyserrdframe.cpp to reweight correctly the leptons whether it's a loose or a tight one. I redefined the weights for the ttbar semileptonic Control Region where exactly one loose lepton and one tight lepton are selected. I changed the HLT paths to only use single lepton ones. I fixed a bug for the new isolation variable (asking for same pt AND eta in utility.cpp). I fixed a bug for the creation of histograms in ttbar semileptonic and ttX Control Regions (plot the transverse mass before while it's supposed to be the invariant mass of the three jets and the number of bjets respectively).

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